Taking a photo of the ThunderBird Motel of Missoula from the front-side entrance, Well-known actor, Joseph Gordon-Levitt was inspired. In a tweet of his, promoting HITRECORD, a site he is CEO and Co-Founder of, Joseph challenges writers to step into the world of the Historical-Retro Motel that is the ThunderBird Motel in Missoula, Montana! Responding to Joseph Gordon-Levitt about his inspiration, one writer, whit313, takes to the HITRECORD site to contribute:
Magic happens at the Thunderbird Motel, or so I’ve heard since moving here. So, last night I decided to look behind the curtain. I walk up to the receptionist, “what’s so special about Thunderbird Motel?”
He said, “you’ve never rented room 313 have ya? It’s your lucky night, it’s vacant, wanna meet the magician?”
My own personal engine is worn out and I need a break. This place speaks to my core. It’s as if it was built for me this moment. I am a Thunderbird and I need a hot tub!
Jill sat perched on the edge of the bed, a cigarette dangling from her lips and her eyes studying her bandaged hand. What was it about this place? Daylight was bleeding in; the red hum of neon had been silenced. A heavy sigh, a last drag, and whatever was in the glass on the side table. It was about to get loud again.
More stories for this challenge initiated by Mr. Gordon-Levitt can be found at the following link:
HITRECORD ThunderBird Motel Stories.
This isn't the only time the ThunderBird Motel of Missoula, Montana, has been referenced by or associated with Celebrities. Famous musicians and movie stars have stayed at the ThunderBird, among historical figures such as the time the ThunderBird Motel was home to a Hemmingway!
What stories will you have after staying at the ThunderBird Motel? See how the ThunderBird Motel of Missoula can inspire you!